Mission statement

"Fostering Global Knowledge Exchange in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences"

Our Aim

Scientifica Asia is dedicated to becoming a globally recognized, multidimensional publication, particularly in the realms of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. We aim to serve as a premier platform for sharing original research, fostering a community where scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals can exchange ideas, findings, and innovations.

What we believe in

Our identity depends on becoming a globally recognized periodical for information and analytics on bio-medicine. Our goal is to assist researchers and healthcare professionals in pushing the limits of knowledge and improving health outcomes.

As a scientific communications platform, we believe in the power of shared knowledge to transcend boundaries and be the catalyst for advancements in health and medicine. Our identity is rooted in our commitment to assisting researchers and healthcare professionals in expanding the horizons of scientific understanding and improving health outcomes worldwide.

Scientifica Asia is more than just a journal; it is a dynamic stage for sharing knowledge and research. We are dedicated to facilitating the smooth flow of scientific information, ensuring that pertinent scientific research is readily accessible to the intended audience. We intend to empower researchers to highlight their contribution to the collective wisdom of the scientific world, emphasizing discovery and innovation.

What we aspire for

Our mission at Scientifica Asia is to provide a truly multidimensional platform for biomedical, pharmaceutical and allied sciences. This commitment will be amplified by the cooperation of our peers and by the trust of our authors and readers. Thank you.

Scope of Journal

  • Animal behavior studies

  • Antimicrobial stewardship

  • Aspects of Pharmacy and Medicine in Society

  • Behavioral Medicines

  • Biochemistry

  • Biological Sciences

  • Biosciences

  • Biostatistics

  • Biotechnology

  • Botany

  • Cell Biology

  • Clinical Pharmacy

  • Community pharmacy

  • Community Pharmacy Practice

  • Computational chemistry

  • Computer-aided drug design (CADD)

  • Dermatology and cosmetics

  • Diversity of plants

  • Dosage form and design

  • Drug Delivery systems (DDS)

  • Drug safety, health literacy, and so forth

  • Drug utilization reviews and evaluations

  • Epidemiology of Disease in the Public Sector

  • Genetics

  • Geriatrics

  • Health Care Policy

  • Health Communication

  • Hospital Pharmacy

  • Immunology

  • Industrial Pharmacy

  • In-silico studies

  • In-vitro studies

  • In-vivo studies

  • Knowledge, attitude, and practice

  • Marine Sciences

  • MD simulations

  • Method development

  • Microbiology

  • Molecular Biology

  • Molecular characterization

  • Molecular dynamics

  • Molecular modeling

  • Molecular synthesis

  • MTM courses

  • Neuro-pharmacology

  • Patient Care Research and Development

  • Pediatric

  • Peptide isolation and characterization

  • Pharmaceutical Analysis

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Pharmaceutical Cosmetology

  • Pharmaceutical interventions and patient quality of life

  • Pharmaceutical Technology

  • Pharmaceutics in Pharmacy Practice

  • Pharmacoeconomics

  • Pharmacogenomics

  • Pharmacognosy

  • Pharmacokinetic modeling

  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics

  • Pharmacotherapy

  • Pharmacovigilance and the monitoring of drugs

  • Pharmacy and Public Health

  • Pharmacy education and Counseling

  • Pharmacy education

  • Pharmacy Management

  • Pharmacy Practices and Future Prospects

  • Pharma-Marketing Consultation and Planning

  • Plant Pathology and symbiosis

  • Polymers

  • Population Pharmacokinetics (POP-PK)

  • Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies

  • Rational Use of Drug

  • Social and Administrative Pharmacy

  • Statistical Methods in Pharmacy

  • Technical and clinical studies in Pharmacy Practice

  • Telepharmacy

  • Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)

  • Therapeutic Recommendations

  • Treatment outcome innovations

  • Zoology